Graduated in 1989 from a rural Texas school Valedictorian and Captain of football team. Mother taught math and Dad was high school principal. Both parents retired teachers with more than 35 years. Both also were full-time ranchers - on the ranch my grandfather established after WWII - preserving a way of life that has been in my family for at least five generations.
Joined Army in 1989 when I reported to the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. Selected by my teammates to be the Captain of the Army Powerlifting Team. Team was National Champions in 1993, and I personally finished 3rd in the 242 pound class. Graduated in 1993 and reported to flight school at Fort Rucker, AL. Earned wings in 1994 and flew AH-1 Cobras at Fort Bliss and Fort Carson. Flew scout helicopters in Bosnia and at Fort Polk, LA. Served in a variety of leadership positions including platoon leader, company commander, and various staff and liaison positions.
In 2001 I was selected by the Army to serve as the Army exchange pilot to the Marine Corps. I graduated the Instructor pilot course at Fort Rucker and reported for duty at Camp Pendelton. From 2001 to 2005 I flew AH-1W Cobras(twin engine) operationally with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367. We deployed to Japan, Thailand, the Philippine Islands, and ultimately to Iraq.
In the spring of 2005 I resigned my commission as an Army Major and returned home to the ranch I grew up in on South Texas. In the summer of 2006 I began my time as a contractor, flying helicopters in Iraq and Afghanistan until my last flight in the spring of 2012.
I returned home to Oklahoma, to be with my wife, Sherrie, who I married in 2010. We own and operate a cattle & sheep ranch and have four children ranging in age from 7 to 30 years old, plus the two most amazing grandchildren.
In addition to being your State Senator since 2021, I have also served as a reserve deputy beginning the summer 2022 because I feel called - really compelled - to serve. Lawlessness is rampant in southeast Oklahoma. I cannot sit at home and watch my friends and neighbors go on duty day after day and night after night, making a pittance for enforcing our laws.
I am a Christian and an American by God’s grace. I am grateful beyond words for the opportunity I had in uniform to serve with so many great Soldiers and Marines and will always consider it a privilege to be a part of that team. God Bless Oklahoma & America.
Warren Hamilton